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Called But Messed Up: God Will Turn Your Mess Into A Message
This book was written to encourage and help God’s Generals who know they are called but have messed up. You may still be messing up, but there is a desire to be free from your mess to serve God wholeheartedly. Our greatest problem is not messing up but staying in our mess, unwilling to let God clean up our mess and restore us. God will not write you off because you messed up.
Chosen: From Party Girl To Jesus Girl
Growing up as a young girl, I often felt lost and without purpose. Struggling with rejection, depression, and low self-esteem, I found it hard to navigate the ins and outs of life and found myself falling off course many times throughout my life. Then one day I met the man called Jesus and I was never the same again.
Running Your Race: A Christian’s Guide to Growing in Christ (Agape Love Book 1)
There are times in our lives where we don’t need someone to sugarcoat or water down the truth to us, but to speak the truth honestly and directly – straight to our hearts. These volumes of books in the Running Your Race series will challenge, encourage, illumine, and stretch you to evaluate your life and how you are living for Jesus. Running Your Race is a guide for Christians who desire to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
30 Days To Spiritual Growth Volume 1: Christ-Centered Daily Devotional, Meditation, Affirmations/Declarations, Communion and Scripture for Spiritual Development
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your faith journey? Do you long for deeper spiritual growth and transformation? The Book of Hebrews alludes to the fact that we start our faith journey with the elementary principles of Christ, but then we must move on to spiritual maturity or perfection. Yet, many believers get stuck on the basic principles of Christianity and struggle to progress towards spiritual maturity.
One’s Way To God’s Kingdom: Conversion of Souls From Sin to Righteousness
One’s Way To God’s Kingdom is a book of positivity that if the instructions are followed, will put one into the light. This book can also be used as a guideline for Christians or people who desire to try or take on the journey.
Sexual Abuse And Its Implications For Church And Society: Breaking the Silence
“Sexual Abuse And Its Implications For Church And Society” is based on empirical research done for the author’s doctoral thesis. It was birthed out of her exposure to the many instances of sexual abuse experienced by many women in the society. All the findings support the claim that sexual abuse has far reaching implications and that many victims of sexual abuse continue to suffer in spite of the fact that they are in the church, which should be a place of healing.
Christus in dir, die Hoffnung der Herrlichkeit: Jesus in dir ist unsere Hoffnung für eine neue Welt (German Edition)
“Christus in uns” ist ein kraftvolles und transformatives Thema, das in der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft oft übersehen wird. Dieses Buch taucht tief in das Thema ein und offenbart die wahre Bedeutung Christi in unserem Leben und das unglaubliche Potenzial, das in uns als Söhnen und Töchtern des Höchsten Gottes liegt.
Morning Dew: A 30-Day Devotional and Declaration Refreshment
Morning Dew introduces a more in-depth and radical way to attack and aggressively claim the right way, restoration, and how to have a one and one relationship with the Lord in devotional time, prayer, and declaration, commanding the day ahead and confidently succeed.
The Seer: A Supernatural Christian Novel
John Williams is a pastor of Tselem Fellowship. They’ve adapted a method of helping the less privileged that works in a slightly different way than normal. His family life might be in shambles, with a divorce on the horizon and a daughter that won’t say too many words to him at a time. He’s barely managing to keep it from completely shattering apart. Yet, when he has a dream, a vision, of a man in need of help—a man he is supposed to help—John doesn’t question it.
God's Inspiration Put On Paper (GIPOP): The Invitation plus The 52 Days Trek (The Ripple Effect IV)
JVERWG believed that she is God’s hand extended. She has a passion to touch the lives of those who are broken (like Jesus touched her) no matter how simple. She grew up in Point Hill, Saint Catherine, where she still resides. She attended the Point Hill All-Age School, then moved on to Dinthill Technical High, where her schooling was short-lived. She spent one year and one term. She was fourteen years old when she dropped out of high school.
Transform You: Once Driven, Forever Free 52-Week Transformational Journal
Transform You: Once Driven, Forever Free is a journal that is intended to assist you with developing a God inspired version of yourself. Written by Founder and C.E.O. of Transform You, the aim of the journal is to allow you to understand the foundation on which your life can be built and the foundation on which you can operate to live a life that is pleasing to God, while allowing you to cope with all the challenges that you face in your day-to-day life.
Prophetic Evangelism: In The Footsteps Of Jesus
This book will give you the keys to unlock the realm of the supernatural so that you can have encounters that only God can do.
Do you desire for God to supernaturally lead you to people who have already been crying out to Him and are ready to receive Jesus?
Answered Prayers While You Were Out: An Aneurysm Survivor's Story - Combined with FAITH, HOPE & LOVE
Answered Prayers While You Were Out – An Aneurysm Survivor’s Story Combined with Faith, Hope and Love; is a story portraying God’s miraculous healing power in the 21st Century. It takes you in depth into the many answered prayers of an aneurysm survivor and his wife as he overcame the odds when he was given a second chance at life. The will to survive, incorporated with faith, hope and love, which are the three gifts remaining to mankind, sets the platform for an earth shattering and mind blowing testimony of God’s goodness.
Brandon's Good Deed (Kingdom Kidz Book 1)
Somewhere in rural St. Catherine, Jamaica, Brandon and his friends are forced to attend school online because of the COVID19 pandemic, but Brandon is the only one with a device which they all have to share.
God Says...: Your Personal Prophetic Journal
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction. In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man, He keeps back his soul from the Pit, and his life from perishing by the sword. (Job 33:15-18 – NKJV).
God says…are we listening?
God says…are we writing?
God says…are we remembering?
Loss of Patient and the Nursing Practitioner: The Role of a Chaplain
When secrets are spilled, the young woman realizes that not only was her father a maniac but her mother was as well. In addition, the love she developed too easily gets branded by lies, but determined to get what he wants, the object of her attraction waits patiently and eventually regains what he had destroyed.
You Are Not ONLY HUMAN: A Study on Our Human and Divine Nature
Thus far, we have not begun to tap into our human potential. With the upsurge of Christian Mystics in this era, there is a growing revelation of who we really are in God that has a startling resemblance to who Jesus Christ was as a man walking this earth. This phenomenal spiritual awakening of epic proportions is sweeping the globe, with no indication of dissipating anytime soon. It is the emergence of the glorious church prophesied in Ephesians 5, “…without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish.” Everyone alive today, including you, has the divine privilege to choose whether to participate in this emergence or remain a slave to religious and institutionalized bondage.
Cristo en ti, la esperanza de gloria: Jesús en ti es nuestra esperanza para un mundo nuevo (Spanish Edition)
“Cristo en ti” es un tema poderoso y transformador que a menudo se pasa por alto en la comunidad de la iglesia. Este libro profundiza en el tema, revelando el verdadero significado de Cristo en nuestras vidas y el increíble potencial que yace dentro de nosotros como hijos e hijas del Dios Altísimo.
God's Love Never Fails: Book 1
This book is for everyone who wants to know or be reminded of how God’s love for them never fails, regardless of the perilous times we may have to endure. We start by discussing some scriptural truths that will help as we go through events in the Bible. You will be taken through a historical look at God’s unfailing love being depicted throughout the events stated in the scriptures from the book of Genesis through to the book of Revelation.
Vinte's Claim: Her Enlightenment
When secrets are spilled, the young woman realizes that not only was her father a maniac but her mother was as well. In addition, the love she developed too easily gets branded by lies, but determined to get what he wants, the object of her attraction waits patiently and eventually regains what he had destroyed.
Prayer Bank: It’s Me God, Can We Talk?
The Prayer Bank is developed on the wisdom of a mother and the analogy of banking activities: DEPOSIT faith, INVEST self, wait for the INVESTMENT to mature, WITHDRAW strength, and watch yourself become transformed through this powerful tool.
Stop Chasing Start Living: Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Self-Care Transformation Guide
Stop Chasing, Start Living is an extraordinary guide that will revolutionize the way you approach your own happiness and self-care so you can unlock a life of boundless joy, resilience, and purpose. What are you chasing that is currently draining your energy, stealing your time and robbing you of manifesting your purpose? What are you chasing that is blocking your full mind, body and spirit transformation?
Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory: Jesus In You Is Our Hope For A New World
“Christ in Us” is a powerful and transformative topic that is often overlooked in the church community. This book delves deep into the subject, revealing the true significance of Christ in our lives and the incredible potential that lies within us as sons and daughters of the Most High God.
Bag$ to Riche$: An Entrepreneurial Experience in Overcoming Challenges and Winning
Entrepreneurship is an effective way through which everyone can achieve financial freedom and build wealth for themselves. If you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur and achieving the rewards of working for yourself. Then this is the book for you. In this book, the author outlines his joyous lifelong lifestyle of learning new skills and employing these skills to add value to his customers and build wealth for himself.
The Boy With The Heart of Steel
In a world plagued by uncertainty, one baby defied all odds. Born on April 11, 2018, Zanick came into this world with a deadly heart disease, an affliction that threatened to steal his very existence. The doctors shook their heads, revealing a heartbreaking statistic: a mere 10% chance of survival. But Zanick was no ordinary child.
Damaged But Not Destroyed: A Story of Forgiveness, Faith, and Favour
A journey from damaged-to-salvation is what best describes this almost-autobiographical recount of Julene Grant-Percy’s life. She invites the reader into her story: a story of a sin-riddled life that almost ended in her demise at the hands of someone who she shared an intimate relationship with. It is a depiction demonstrating how a life so damaged can still claw its way to freedom, only with the help of the Most High.
Babylon the Great Has Fallen: Exploring The Biblical Prophecy And Its Meaning For Modern Day Babylon
In the depths of ancient prophecies, the chilling epithet “Babylon the great” echoes across the ages. Within the sacred scriptures, it is not a mere mention of the past, but a foreboding glimpse into a modern-day behemoth lurking in the shadows. This enigmatic nation, unparalleled in its might and authority, stands as a towering colossus, both awe-inspiring and abhorrent in equal measure. Babylon the great, a term laden with gravitas, is not assigned lightly. It embodies a nation whose power knows no bounds, yet its actions are cloaked in a darkness that taints its grandeur. A force so malevolent and wicked, it surpasses the sins of history, earning the title of the greatest and most evil among all nations.
The Fight In Me: Taking the Leap and Leaving the Footprints
There are millions of triumph story in this word. With each of those stories, there are a billion of different situations, different sources, different solutions and different techniques. My story is in no way or form viewed as more dire or more concerning than any one else’s. It’s a combination of one or more different techniques and attitudes that someone at some point in their life used and was successful. There is only one difference, and that’s The Fight in Me.
The Wife Who Submits: Operating In The Esther Spirit—A Guide For Wives And Wives-To-Be
This book highlights the importance of a wife’s posture of humility and submission to her husband, the head of her. In this modern era, the word “submission” is a dreaded word to many. It is perceived as a weakness, especially to persons, women in this case, who are strong-willed, but it needs to be understood that submission is not derived from man. Submission is of God and commanded by scriptures for a wife to reverence her husband.
Mastering The Art Of Strategically Possessing Your Possession: Proven Biblical Principles And Strategies To Launch You Into Your Purpose
This book is a strategic roadmap designed to help you discover your God-given calling, purpose and vision. I emphasize the importance of starting your journey with the will of God and outline practical steps that are backed by Biblical principles to take you from vision to manifestation.
How God Brought Me Out Alive
The memoir “How God Brought Me Out Alive” is about a young woman who grew up in poverty and encountered many challenges designed to break her. Nevertheless, the Lord gave her the strength, the willpower, and the assurance to overcome every obstacle. As a result, this young lady progressed from grace to grace, enabling her to have an abundant life. Throughout her journey, she would not have been able to acclimate to her current level without the unwavering support of her parents, especially her dad. He did his utmost with limited resources to push his daughters to the top, and although the youngest is at the highest point she has ever been in her life, she is still advancing. In this book, the Lord is omnipresent, omniscient, a provider, and a continual source of strength in this young lady’s life. As a result, she skilfully navigated life’s constant challenges.
The Power of the Altar: Rebuilding the Altars in Our Churches
The altars in our churches have to some extent gotten cold and the fire has gone out, but Christ’s desire is for us to experience His manifestation in all areas of our lives. Hence, I am calling each person, each church who will read this book to reignite their righteous altars and allow these altars to speak. Christ will meet you as your deliverer, healer, provider, and defender.
Couple Gold: How to Stryke Gold in 7 Days With Your Partner
Chris Mcnally and Erin Mansour are a married couple with 4 children. They own and created Stryke Fitness Brand and Studio. They primarily now work in Social Media Entertainment and have a cumulative following of over 2 million viewers everyday across TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. They currently reside with their family in Charleston, SC.
From Broke to an Abundance Mindset: If You Don’t Try You Will Never Change
This book keeps it real about money. It covers EVERYTHING!
Easy to Follow, and Goes Straight to the Facts.
Decide What Kind of Life YOU Want to Live; Then Pursue it Unapologetically.
Turn negative attitudes about money into positive and guilt-free.
This book will transform your life. Read a chapter, do exactly what it says. Then repeat.
Change your relationship with money. Transform your life Today!!!
Blooming Single, Confidently and Boldly
Blooming Single, Confidently and Boldly reassures singles that God, their Abba-Father, cares for them immensely and is perfecting that which concerns their lives and is ultimately working towards ensuring a favourable future for them.
God Speaks, Daily: Big ThiYe Are Gods: Exploring the Biblical Narrative of the Sons of Godngs Happen With the God Who Speaks Life-Changing Stories
In this thought-provoking book, the author delves into a conversation that Christianity has avoided for centuries. Drawing on Old Testament theology dating all the way back to creation, and the words of Jesus Himself, the author explores the provocative idea that humans may possess a divine aspect by virtue of their creation.
To Love and to Hold: Built to Last: 7 Foundational Principles for Success at Marriage
Are you ready to take your marriage to the next level? With 24 years of marriage and over a decade’s experience as a Counselling Psychologist working with couples, author, Megan Hylton explores how to lay a solid marital foundation in Volume 1 of her marriage series: To Love and To Hold. Volume 1 entitled: Built to Last: 7 foundational principles for Success at Marriage is a practical tool for couples desirous of maximizing their love walk. In her usual engaging yet profound way Megan discusses how to intentionally develop habits that will fuel a happy healthy union based on Biblical principles.
Prescription for Healthy Relationships: A Practical Guide to Overcoming Offences
Rev. Valentine a. Rodney et al offers both practical insights and a strategic approach into indentifying and dealing with offences whether you are the offender or the offended party. The prescriptions offered are invaluable in providing help to the many affected and influenced by this universal issue.
A Way of Escape: How to Handle the Tests and Temptations of Life
This book is aptly titled “A Way of Escape: How to Handle the Tests and Temptations of Life” and it provides a meaningful biblical response to the struggles faced in life. What people need today are answers, whether it be in the furnace of affliction, the pressures of temptation or the challenges of tests and trials.
God Speaks, Daily: Big Things Happen With the God Who Speaks Life-Changing Stories
If you are ready to change the way you listen to and hear the voice of God, then this is the book for you.
A personal memoir of decades of mind-blowing stories.
Mastering Sin: Winning the Battle Against the Fallen Adamic Nature
In this thought-provoking book, the author challenges readers to go beyond mere survival and truly overcome the challenges of the world through mastering sin. Drawing upon the example of Jesus, the ultimate model for humanity, the author argues that what was once believed to be impossible is now achievable. Jesus not only made it possible to overcome sin, but through His life, He also showed us how to do it.
How to Defeat the Giants in Your Life: Find Freedom from Pornography, Masturbation, and Sex-Related Addictions
In “How to Defeat the Giants in Your Life,” the author shares his personal journey of overcoming addiction to pornography and masturbation and provides practical, biblical steps for others to do the same. This book is a powerful resource for Christians who are struggling with addiction and looking for a way out.
Trumplandia: The Realm of the Forgotten American
ABOUT THE BOOK: Trumplandia is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tiberiu Dianu has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.
A Moment Of Belief: A True Story
A powerful memoir of overcoming the limitations of disability and emotional suffering by developing the tools for the ultimate journey of transformative healing, self-discovery and love.
To Hell and Back: An Autobiography of an International Football Player
What started out as a dream for pro football player, Errol Stevens, became a nightmare. Errol faced Racism, Struggles with injuries, and difficulties with family and life. But after so many roadblocks in his life, having left Jamaica in 2013 with $50 to his name and having to start over in some of the worst conditions, Errol is now married with children, owns his own home and car and wants to use his experiences in life to motivate other young boys from his homeland, Jamaica
Marketing: A Kingdom Perspective
Marketing – A Kingdom Perspective gives insight into areas of Kingdom Building which are deemed vital in ensuring that Jesus’ love is demonstrated and felt through our systems and people. The product being marketed is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ which is the heart of the Father as it is not His will that any should perish.
God’s Brand Manifested Through Me
God’s Brand Manifested Through Meshows various ways in which individuals can build their personal brand with one goal in mind: becoming better ambassadors for God’s Kingdom – manifesting God’s Brand.
One Journey: 7 Ships: The 7 Ships Needed To Navigate The Waters Of Life
Every journey starts the same, one step at a time. In One Journey: 7 Ships, Nahchon Guyton explains the 7 crucial ships necessary to complete your journey and how our relationship with Jesus Christ is the anchor for each of one these ships.
Jesus Will Set The Captives Free
Too many people are bound by oppression and depression. This book will train and teach you how to set people free from addictions, phobias, anxiety and so much more.
We have a serious problem in this world. Too many people rely on anti-depressants, drugs or alcohol and many other vices to fill the void in their lives.
A Journey Not Yet Complete: An Anthology
This world is filled with hopelessness. So many things have gone wrong and even now walls are crumbling around so many. Daily we struggle. Bit by bit the hope that used to be a plump juicy grape is transforming into a wrinkled raisin, YET the raisin has purpose. Haven’t most of us tasted of the sweetness of the shriveled grape? From the raisin we learn that though the sun of life may cause us to become unsightly, purpose is still on our lives.
My Journey To Motherhood: How Faith Conquers All Obstacles
My Journey To Motherhood: How Faith Conquers All Obstacles is a book with firsthand experiences of the author’s desire to become a mother, and the personal challenges and obstacles she faced on her journey to get there. Her faith played a pivotal role in helping her to overcome those obstacles and challenges in the end.
Life Lessons From Torn Socks
Every so often something uncomfortable or unexpected happens to us. Those moments create opportunities where we can both learn and grow, ultimately transforming into the best version of ourselves.
Steadfast Or Stuck?: Biblical Insights For Breakthrough Leadership
Leadership is one of the most demanding roles one can occupy. The interior, personal life of the leader is often scrutinized and certainly plays a significant role in the success or failure of a ministry. What most people fail to realize is that church leaders are just like everyone else. They are not immune to the problems faced by those who follow them. They often come from dysfunctional family backgrounds; experienced traumatic events in childhood, or just get worn out from the demands of ministry. These experiences shape the inner life of the leader and are formational for the leader’s soul and personality. The pressures of ministry, even very successful ministries, will exert a weight on the soul of a leader causing it to crack. If these cracks are not healed, they become wider and weaken the leader, often leading to failure or moral breakdown.
Mom Are You Scared
It is never easy to lose someone you love dearly due to a terminal illness. Losing a loved one as a result of AML Leukemia, has left many, including Donette Wright, feeling as though they would never be able to laugh or be happy again. It poses the question that many may ask, “Will my life ever be the same?”
Shameless Persistence: The Audacity of Purposeful Praying
“Shameless Persistence: The Audacity of Purposeful Praying” was born out of a desire and a recognition that this approach to praying in no way impinges or compromises on the sovereignty of God. Quite the contrary, God expressly desires and encourages this approach, “for men ought always to pray and not lose heart.”
God's Inspiration Put On Paper (GIPOP): The Ripple Effect: Volume 1
Heart wrenching experiences, deep hurt, rage, bitter resentment, private crying and loneliness blended with joy, gratitude, hope and perseverance are just a few of the emotions and situations that served as the inspiration for GIPOP. Being invisible in plain sight was my fortress and my source of comfort, as I silently tried to handle things on my own. The Master however, had a plan and He reached down and touched me and molded my life; revealing that every experience was for His glory and every pain had its purpose.
A Walk In The Word: Connecting Your Walk to the Word of God: Volume 1
This book is a life-walk, inspirational, and spiritual context, connecting one’s walk and life to the Word of God. It contains stories and Scriptures from the Bible with revelation from the Holy Spirit on how one’s walk and real-life experiences are connected to the Scriptures.
Directing Your Arrows: A Strategic Approach to Successful Parenting
Directing Your Arrows: A Strategic Approach To Successful Parenting was birth through the author’s repeated confrontation with the reality that many parents want to do the best for their children, but really don’t know how to. Drawing from a profound Biblical analogy of children being like arrows in the hands of a warrior, the author presents an unusual, yet relevant approach to parenting that takes into account the various needs of a child. The author’s experience as a counsellor, and as student of the Bible, creates a unique approach to raising children successfully.
Finding Financial Independence (Life With The Stevens)
We want to start this series by sharing our financial journey and how we became financially independent. We hope to help other individuals all over the world by showing how we did it on the small island of Jamaica. We own multiple properties and have been able to take care of our family from our investments in real estate and the stock market.
The Glory of The Latter House: The Ekklesia Rising
The glory of God is real. It brings breakthrough and deliverance. The church should be tapping into this glory through righteous living. There is more to God than what we are experiencing now. The glory of the latter house ought to be shining today for all the world to see, leading people to accept JESUS as Lord and Savior of their lives and living a victorious and spirit-filled life on this earth.
The Father Wants Sons, Not Servants
Jesus started a prayer with two words that would change the mindset of an entire culture: “Our Father.” We dissect this prayer and use it as a guideline for our faith walk, yet we overlook the two most critical words that are in the very title of this staple to Christianity. An understanding of God as father revolutionizes the relationship dynamic and the way we interact with the world.
Fingers From The Heart: The Journey Before And After The Heart Attack
Even if it takes a heart attack, it has to be written! With not much to do being on a hospital bed for days, the fingers started to type about the experiences resulting from a heart attack. Each leg of the journey shared on social media made those reading want to hear more. “You need to write a book, you need to write a book” flowed from the lips of almost everyone who read snippets of the journey. Then, finally, the writings were put into more detailed chapters of life before and after the heart attack.
What Is The Color Of God's Skin?: Unmasking and Revealing the Nature of God
What is the color of God’s skin? is no ORDINARY BOOK. Whether you are 9 or 90, this book will speak to your heart, not your head. If you are an atheist, agnostic, evolutionist, Jew or Gentile, Black or White, rich or poor, believer or unbeliever in God, this book will open your eyes to the mysteries of the most complex Being or Person called GOD.
Frankie Saves The Day
Frankie is a special seven year old boy who struggles with his differences. He wants to be just like everyone else. But when there is trouble, will Frankie be able to use his differences to save the day?
Jesus, the Cross and the Blood
This book is about Jesus’ journey to the Cross, and explains all the times He shed His precious blood on His way to Calvary, and how each of those moments affect our lives today.
Intentional Comeback: Insights to Rebounding, Recovering, and Redeeming
Holding a name that exemplifies royal power and strength, Baron Hopgood is a native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Born to Charles and Lura Hopgood, he was a young man destined for success. Baron began preaching at the tender age of three and went into full time ministry at twelve years old. Along with committing to God and fulfilling his purpose, Baron founded Baron Hopgood Enterprises.
The Good Shepherd
This book follows the life of young David in the Bible on his journey to becoming the king of Israel. Children will learn by reading this story to trust in God (just like David did) and that there is a very special plan for their lives! David was a brave and gentle shepherd boy who became a great and powerful king. Jesus is OUR King and Good Shepherd.
Eat Me and Live: How Partaking in The Lord's Supper Daily Can Radically Bless You
You will learn the answers to these questions and so much more. Eat Me and Live will reveal bold and exciting revelations on the subject of the having the Lord’s Supper. Having Communion regularly is the key to having intimacy and right relationship with God and man. This book will show you why. Get ready to be blessed and taken to new spiritual heights. Selah!
God Will Make A Way: An Autobiography
This book is about the journey from unwanted to adopted. It’s a true testimony of how God is with us even when we don’t know Him, or even acknowledge that He exists. If we don’t harden our hearts and become bitter, which I admit is a challenge, God will reveal Himself to us in His gentle ways. If we are completely honest with ourselves, we will admit there have been many times when we have been delivered from situations that otherwise would have harmed, or even killed us. He didn’t say life would be easy, but He did say He would be with us, even until the end of the age. My prayer is that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read this testimony.
You Have the Power to Create Your World (Empowering Today's Youth)
This book was written with the future world changers, and agents of change in mind. May you create a better world for you and those who will come after you, than the one we and those before us made for you. You have this potential. There is no human being born into this world who lacks the potential to create the kind of world they want to live in.
Come Up Higher: A Clarion Call for Traditional Churches
As leaders, we must take this call seriously to repair the fundamental foundational doctrine of Christ on which we function as a church, in order to reposition ourselves and the members of our churches to move into manifested sonship that is presently permeating the earth today in preparation for a global expansion of God’s glory covering the earth, thereby ushering in the new heaven and the new earth.
360 & More: Four Pillars of Life
My book 360 & More is a blueprint on how a person can do a complete turnaround in life. Using my four pillars principle I assure you that one can change for the better. Focusing on your spirituality, health, finances, and intellect, you will be able to take the necessary strides in life to the road of self-development.
I Fall, I Rise: The Poetic Musings of a Single Mother
Life is filled with ups and downs. Life is filled with heartaches and pain. Life is filled with disappointments, yet I Rise.
Don't Give Up On Love: Stop Running! God Made You to Be Happy
Love is the missing link to solving the issues in this world and the most vital key to living a peaceful and meaningful life. This book brings the truth about love alive and highlights all the reasons why we should love.
Not The Only Ticket: An Autobiography
My name is Aaron Molock. I was born April 7, 1963. I am married to the most beautiful woman in the world, with one son. I graduated from Southwestern Senior High in June of 1981. I graduated from Coppin State College in May of 1987 with a Bachelors Degree in Management Science. I graduated from the United States Air Force Basic training November of 1987 and went on to serve 20 years in the military. I ended with a 7th Level Skill in Administration and Contracting.
The Holy Spirit and Power
One of the most profound mysteries in scripture is the Holy Spirit and Power. This book is the answer to all the confusion and counterfeits in the world. The unsaved, as well as the church, need to see a true demonstration of the Real power of God just like in the days of Jesus.
Purpose Has No Shame: Things Change But Purpose Remains
If you are reading this, it means you are curious about what is inside the book. Stay curious and keep reading because this book was written with you in mind. Your purpose awaits you if you haven’t yet found it. And if you have, then strengthen what you already know.
Making Your Way To GOD
This book is an assignment from God through a vision on Monday April 13, 2020 in the midst of a world pandemic known as Corona Virus (Covid_19). God spoke to me whilst I was asleep that morning. He placed a book in my hand and instructed me to deliver the message contained therein. He vividly revealed the cover and title of the book and spoke Isaiah 55:6 to me.
Looking Through The Spiritual: A Strategic Alignment For My Man
Looking Through the Spiritual, A Strategic Alignment for My Man is a pre marital prayer manual for young women who are serious about being intercessors for their future husbands.
Looking Through the Spiritual promotes prayer, fasting and journaling by highlighting relationship stressors that can ultimately become major problems in the marriage.
Struggling and Conquering
This is a story about a girl named Sarah. Sarah was born a special girl, but she came from a broken home. She lost her innocence and her identity at a young age. She struggled with depression which led to excessive alcohol drinking and substance abuse for years. She lost communication with relatives and love ones.
The Fear of The Lord: Experiencing the Manifestation of God in Hard Places
Imagine you are in a place of deep worship, lost in the sweet communion of fellowship with the Lord when suddenly the atmosphere changes and the thick cloud of a heavy presence tangibly saturates the space you occupy. Speech is gone and your body feels almost paralyzed with the weight of His presence pressing you to the floor. You can only speak on the inside because your tongue is too heavy to move. Unable to move or speak physically, you carefully and reverently whisper in your spirit, “God, what is this happening to me!” The response is crystal clear and precise, almost like a loud whisper, “You have asked for my glory!”
Breaking Free: Volume 1
Erica Raymond surrendered her life to Jesus Christ while she was still a young girl at just twelve years old. As an ordained minister in her local church, she co-pastored with her husband, Rev. B. Robert Raymond, for over twenty-five years at Harvest Tabernacle Christian Endeavour Ministries.
In November 2012 Erica Raymond founded Eagles Gathering Outreach Ministries International and Mentoring Ministry, which has since evolved into Eagles Deliverance and Empowerment Ministry International. A Pioneer of success, Apostle Erica is committed to the growth and development of others and it is through this that Eagles Motivation and Training Solutions Academy was born.
Straight From The Streets: As Real As It Gets Affirmations
It doesn’t matter your social status, values or the degrees you may have, the value of having street knowledge is vital to self-development.
This book of affirmations is laced with quotes to keep you inspired and aware of your environment, relationships and personal development.
LA PERSISTENCIA DESVERGONZADA: La audacia de la oración con propósito (Spanish Edition)
LA PERSISTENCIA DESVERGONZADA, “La audacia de la oración con propósito”, produjo un deseo y un reconocimiento de que el enfoque de la oración de ninguna manera afecta o compromete la soberanía de Dios. Por el contrario, Dios desea y alienta expresamente este enfoque, “para los hombres siempre deben rezar y no desanimarse”.
The Adventures of Goober, the Alien from Mars: Book One
Goober, the Alien from Mars, is on an adventure visiting his friend on earth. First, he had to escape his planet’s security detail and avoid getting snitched on by his sister. He then crashed onto earth and embarks on having really fun adventures with his friend and family, from thwarting a nosey reporter to escaping a high-security evil base.
Wisdom To Win With III: Biblical Principles For Good Success
This book is the third in a series to inspire you to go higher in life with more work to come. By applying these principles for better living that lines up with the word of God. The Bible has so much to say about wisdom like: it is the principal thing, it strengthens the wise and that all you may desire can not be compared to wisdom. It is so important to God and it should be so important to us to not only have it but be able to apply it in our life. I wish as a child that there was a book like this in which my parents could use to share life principles with me that complements the Bible to help with making it practical and easier to understand. Now not only will parents have this but children can also glean from this.
The F--- Bomb: Unearthing And Disarming Anxiety Land Mines In Everyday Life
Nahchon Guyton is a Certified Life and Business Coach, Author of two soon to be Best Sellers “One Journey 7 Ships” and “Who am I? I am Who I am Says that I am.” Nahchon understands far too well what it is like to have your life crippled by fear, and afraid to move freely in your own community, constantly being harassed and terrorized by the Police all because you are the wrong color. We live in a time where there are more people diagnosed with anger and anxiety issues. Racial injustice is more apparent, the economy is in flux and the world is often on the brink of war. Fear seem to have taken over our diet of information. We are being fed a steady, consistent portion of murder, death, and civil unrest around the globe. 1000 ways to connect, yet we are alone and suffering in silence. We know we are destined for more, but too afraid to step out into our purpose. We are burning up from the inside out. Our world has become engulfed with fear, anxiety, and self-destruction. If you have the courage to ask and answer this question, “What am I so afraid of?” then this book is for you.
Broken Covenant: Living With Infidelity, Coping With The Issues
The devastating effects of the exposure of an extramarital relationship can be an extremely heart-crushing experience. Breaking a covenant relationship often impacts negatively the stability of the individuals and families involved. Negative emotions, insecurities, vulnerability and lack of trust can be the order of the day. Many persons wear masks, cosmetically decorated on the outside but hiding the violent turmoil on the inside which can become physically explosive behind closed doors.
Who Am I?: I AM Who I AM Says I Am: Discovering Yourself In The Midst Of A Crisis
Who am I is a question every human being have asked, whether they desire for their lives to have significance or they are counted among those on the other end of the spectrum who can’t decipher the value of life. It is the question asked by those who struggle with their identity, and are searching for meaning.
Jesus, You Are My Healer
Have you ever asked yourself why some people are healed and others are not? What hindrances are blocking their healing? This book will help you answer some of these questions. We know that by Jesus’ stripes we are healed and that we all have access to God’s promise of healing.
Beware of the Dangers: You Have The Grace To Overcome Them
Beware of the Danger is a spiritual guide to help you identify what has killed many Christian dreams and character who walked with the Lord and is still killing many in the church today. The fact that people are victims of dangerous issues do not mean you should be. I have learned that experience is never the best teacher. There are some experiences that when you learn from them you can never recover from it. If you must learn from experience, learn from others experiences and not yours.
Don’t Give Up on Marriage: God Honors Marriage and Made it the Bedrock for Family
Don’t Give Up On Marriage is a must read pocketbook for husbands, wives and aspiring couples. Marriage is a very significant union because it is the foundation by which a family should be formed. This book aims to address common questions and misconceptions.
Don't Give Up On You: You Can Overcome And Live Victorious Through Christ Jesus. Let Me Help You!
Are you struggling to parent well or are you hurting? Do you want to conquer and overcome depression, fear, low self-esteem, rejection or a broken marriage? Maybe you just need some words of encouragement.
I Fall, I Rise: The Poetic Musings of a Single Mother
Life is filled with ups and downs. Life is filled with heartaches and pain. Life is filled with disappointments, yet I Rise.
Despite the circumstances, we can Rise.
Gary the Guitar
Gary is a bright and blue guitar who loved to play music. When he starts to lose his strings, he is cast aside and neglected by those he belongs to, until a young girl sees his true potential, and redefines his purpose.
Growing Hill
Alice, the Adventurer, is about to embark on her biggest adventure yet; climbing to the top of a giant hill named Janet. Along the way, she will encounter many obstacles that could stop her from reaching the top. If she is to succeed in reaching the highest point of Janet, she must face and overcome her fears and climb without looking back. Will she make it to the top?
Pickles Pack
Pickles never says no. He is always willing to lend a hand. Pickles can’t seem to find a voice to set boundaries. One day, Pickles learns a hard lesson when personal boundaries cannot be established.
Wilbur In The Wind
Wilbur is a strong young boy who wish for nothing more than to have a home. With his most loved belongings in tow, Wilbur is tossed from place to place by an unexpected Wind, and he never knows where he will end up. Will Wilbur ever find his place of comfort?
Benny the Bumble Bee
It is Brent’s first day of school and he is very excited. What he didn’t expect was meeting a new friend, Benny the Bumble Bee. Brent is not sure if Benny is friend or foe, but as time progresses, Brent will learn the truth about Benny, and he will have to find a strength he never knew he had in dealing with his new companion.
The Void: A Novel (Part Book 1)
“THE VOID is one of the most challenging and absorbing work of fiction I’ve read in many years. I laughed, prayed, cried; It is simply mind blowing and challenging at the same time. THE VOID will leave you craving for a better understanding of who God really is.”
Heart to Heart Homologeo: Prayer Book
When the chaos of our daily lives become overwhelming, where can we turn for peace and rest? Apostle Alain Lea points to the Source of all hope and strength in Heart to Heart, which contains sixty guided prayers. We all pray . . . some. We pray to stay sober, centered or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant, when the money runs out before the month does or when the marriage is falling apart, we pray. But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?
Jorge & His Magic Puppet: Learn Spanish Greetings (1) (Spanglish Storytime)
Jorge goes on a surprising and exciting adventure at school where his first day is filled with lots of magic and marvel brought on by his puppet, Tinkletoe. Read along, learn some Spanish and have a laugh as you discover the thrill of Jorge’s day.
The book DEAR, shares some entries from the journal of a woman who has dealt with heartbreak, pain and deception and learning to forgive it all.
“You’re not a victim for sharing your story; you are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth and raging courage.” – Alex Elle
The Cool Kid and the Dragonfly
Cool, eleven-year-old Mickey Blake is about to go on the adventure of his life. His ordinary life changes when he meets a magical dragonfly. Out to save the world, they must find the Black Rose. The journey is filled with excitement and danger at each corner. As time runs out for these two, they must form a bond to defeat the unseen foe and save mankind as we know it.
The Sparkle In Us
This book reveals the elements of life, inspiring, motivating, and encouraging children to know that they are strong regardless of the challenges in life. Due to the simplicity of the prose style, breezy, funny illustrations, and vividness of imagination, it is simple yet insightful.
Kids are often wise beyond their years, and this simplistic yet insightful children’s book will assist them on their journey. This book motivates children to work hard and overcome the obstacles that they face on a daily basis. This whole book is permeated with love, inspiration, and encouraging words to bring throughout your everyday life.
The Soul of Man: Traversing the Mystery of Man As A Living Soul
“The Soul of Man” by C. Orville McLeish is a powerful and thought-provoking book that explores the essence of humanity and the purpose of our existence. Through insightful analysis and engaging writing, McLeish takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, inviting them to examine their own beliefs and values in light of timeless wisdom and universal truths.
With a rare blend of intellectual rigor and heartfelt sincerity, McLeish challenges readers to confront some of life’s most profound questions: What is the nature of the soul? What is the meaning of suffering and adversity? How can we cultivate inner peace and happiness in a world that often seems chaotic and unpredictable?
Drawing on his extensive knowledge of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality, McLeish offers a fresh and inspiring perspective on the human experience, one that is grounded in compassion, wisdom, and a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all things. Whether you are a seeker of truth, a student of philosophy, or simply someone who is looking for a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, “The Soul of Man” is a must-read book that will leave you feeling enlightened, inspired, and transformed.
My Life’s Journey: Strength of a Woman
LOVE is patient, kind and endures to the end, comes what may. LOVE is not just a word that we say because we can speak. LOVE is action. LOVE is what we do. LOVE is what we feel; it reaches to your deepest depth and touches your very soul. LOVE gives you a sense of security, joy, peace, comfort, happiness, assurance. LOVE holds you close and never lets you go despite your shortcomings.
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